Last 2013, So much had happened, but the most memorable is that I graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing then passed the Nurse Licensure Examination. So much happened (bad luck i guess) while I am taking the board. Gonna blog about that soon. I'm so happy I passed. :) Then, Last year, I won some giveaways and received some gifts. I am very thankful and happy. I'm still joining giveaways to try my luck. Here is one of the giveaway I'm joining.. Join now! Here is the link:
Prizes at stake:
First Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
The mechanics is so easy; just follow what's on the rafflecopter app. Make sure to do the mandatory tasks (they're just three!!!) or your entries will become invalid! Anyone with a valid Philippine address could join!
happy new year rhea and congrats on passing your nursing exam! :)